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Health Hazards: Mold and Mildew from Persistent Leaks

 A problem such as water leakage is really dangerous in a property because it causes several health hazards including formation of mold and mildew. When water finds its way into the walls, the ceiling or the floor, it results to a damp environment which is conducive for growth of mold. Mold gives spores into the air and one can easily breathe them in if they are a tenant to the building. These spores can actually cause allergies, asthma, and other breathing ailments, especially to people with ailments. Water leakage is notorious because it leads to mold formation, and long-term effects of mold are detrimental to an individual’s health hence the need to make the leakage problem permanent.

Secondly, water leaking might also enhance the growth of a lot of unhealthy bacteria and pathogens in the surrounding environment. Water that is stagnant commonly in areas that are not easily visible including under sinks or within walls becomes a breeding ground for bacteria such Legionella that can cause Legionnaires disease which is a severe form of pneumonia. Other waterborne diseases causing pathogens can also grow in damp situations hence elevating the possibility of the diseases. These health risks are more pronounced where there are vulnerable individuals like the elderly, small children or those patients, who due to their sickness, are bound to be indoors.

Contaminated water can also lead to another health risk which is cross connection with the building’s water supply. In the case there are seepages along the plumbing or in the pipeline, there might be a high probability of contaminated water sources with bacteria such as sewage hence causing digestive disorders. Water can be a medium through which many pathogenic organisms such as the E. coli, Salmonella which causes severe and dangerous digestive complications, dehydration and can also be lethal at times.

Third and last, water infiltration brings about slipperiness and this presents slipperiness if the water gushes towards different ways that are frequently trodden such as the stairwells, corridors and walkways. Water on the floors raises those chances and anybody falling on the floor is likely to develop a fracture, sprain or head injury among others. Falls are especially hazardous for elderly people to the extent that a fall may result in a limited mobility plan permanently. Hence, efforts to repair any instance of water leakage should be promptly made to ensure that a house is safe to live in.

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